Nothing worked for the Kannada Action thriller film ‘Martin’ and the film fell flat on the second Monday. The collections are almost negligible on the second Monday and as we said, the film will end its box office run in the coming 2-3 days and it’s all over for the film. The film collected around 15 Lakhs on Monday and Tuesday is looking like same for the film.
The film is going to collect around 10 Lakhs on Tuesday taking the total collection of the film to 21 Crores at the Indian Box office. The film is now done and dusted and it can hardly make 1 crore at max in the coming days at the box office thus the final collection of the film will be around 22 Crores.
The film was made on a huge budget and by looking at the amount of money the makers invested in making and promotion of the film, The film is disaster at the box office and now it would exciting to see the OTT deal of the film. The final chance to recover the budget is OTT deal which will be locked by makers in coming days.
For all those who don’t know, the film released on the box office on 11th October 2024 and it was trolled by critics and reviews for terrible content. Here are daywise numbers of Martin Till Date ;
Day 1 [1st Friday] |
₹ 6.7 Cr [Kannada: 5.97 Cr; Hindi: 25 Lakhs; Tamil: 5 Lakhs; Telugu: 40 Lakhs; Malayalam: 3 Lakhs] |
Day 2 [1st Saturday] |
₹ 5.5 Cr [Kannada: 4.72 Cr; Hindi: 30 Lakhs; Tamil: 5 Lakhs; Telugu: 40 Lakhs; Malayalam: 3 Lakhs] |
Day 3 [1st Sunday] |
₹ 3.35 Cr [Kannada: 2.68 Cr; Hindi: 24 Lakhs; Tamil: 4 Lakhs; Telugu: 35 Lakhs; Malayalam: 4 Lakhs] |
Day 4 [1st Monday] |
₹ 1.35 Cr [Kannada: 1 Cr; Hindi: 12 Lakhs; Tamil: 2 Lakhs; Telugu: 20 Lakhs; Malayalam: 1 Lakh] |
Day 5 [1st Tuesday] |
₹ 1 Cr [Kannada: 67 Lakhs; Hindi: 10 Lakhs; Tamil: 2 Lakhs; Telugu: 20 Lakhs; Malayalam: 1 Lakh] |
Day 6 [1st Wednesday] |
₹ 80 Lakhs [Kannada: 52 Lakhs; Hindi: 8 Lakhs; Tamil: 2 Lakhs; Telugu: 17 Lakhs; Malayalam: 1 Lakh] |
Day 7 [1st Thursday] |
₹ 70 Lakhs [Kannada: 48 Lakhs; Hindi: 8 Lakhs; Tamil: 1 Lakh; Telugu: 13 Lakhs] |
Week 1 Collection |
₹ 19.4 Cr [Kannada: 16.04 Cr; Hindi: 1.17 Cr; Tamil: 21 Lakhs; Telugu: 1.85 Cr; Malayalam: 13 Lakhs] |
Day 8 [2nd Friday] |
₹ 35 Lakhs [Kannada: 20 Lakhs; Hindi: 10 Lakhs; Telugu: 5 Lakhs] |
Day 9 [2nd Saturday] |
₹ 25 Lakhs [Kannada: 22 Lakhs] |
Day 10 [2nd Sunday] |
₹ 30 Lakhs |
Day 11 [2nd Sunday] |
₹ 18 Lakhs* Expected |
Day 12 [2nd Sunday] |
₹ 10 Lakhs* Expected | is your ultimate destination for all things Indian cinema. Whether it’s the latest breaking news, exclusive gossip, accurate box office figures, in-depth celebrity interviews, insightful features, or stunning photos, CineZix has you covered. With a dedicated team of reporters and writers in Mumbai, Delhi and Patna along with a network of freelancers across India, CineZix is committed to delivering top-quality content for bollywood film enthusiasts everywhere.
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