Akshay Kumar starrer Khel Khel Mein was released a few weeks back on Netflix. The film received great reviews from the critics but failed badly at the box office and many were expecting that the film would do well on OTT. But it looks like the numbers on OTT are also not up to the mark for the film and the film registers shockingly low viewership in two weeks.
As per data released by Netflix, the film has got 7.4 Million Views in the first 10 Days which is shocking for the film. Certainly, the makers and Netflix were expecting more first for this comedy film. Fim received 4 Million views in week 1 and there were hopes that the film would get more in the second week but the numbers dropped badly and the film received only 3.4 Million viewership in week 2 making a total of 7.4 Million in the first 2 weeks.
On the other hand, Bade Miya Chote Miya received 8 Million Viewership on Netflix in just 10 Days and everyone expected that keeping the review of the film in mind, the film would cross BMCM in week 1 itself.
The film collected around 55 crores at the box office and it was Akshay’s 6th Flop in a row in the last 2-3 Years. The film is trending at the No. 7 Position worldwide in the Non-English films category. We hope that word of mouth works for the film and the film gets decent viewership on Netflix and gets its due.
Film is a good comedy-drama film and Akshay has done a great job. If you are looking to watch a glimpse of OG Akshay Kumar comedy, this film fits perfectly to your need.
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