The recent controversy between Abhishek Bachchan and Nimrat Kaur is going viral like crazy in Bollywood and due to this, Nimrat Kaur is facing a lot of hate and trolling. A few days back some media house shared a video in which Nimrat is seen saying that ‘Marriage Day won’t last longer’ and her statement is being connected with today’s situation and Nimrat is being blamed for all this.
But there is another side to the same interview that no one has either seen or talked about. In a segment of the same interview, we get to see that Abhishek Bachchan is seen praising Aishwarya and telling how Aishwarya always takes care of him and even during the shooting, she himself personally calls the hotel staff at the hotels and orders food for him.
In response to this statement, Nirmat Kaur said smilingly, ‘You are very lucky, and You are married to a great person’. This statement clearly shows how Nimrat has always respected Aishwarya and she is very happy for Abhishek and Aishwarya. This video has been shared by a section of social media and they are defending Nimrat in the case.
Some users also wrote that whatever is happening, Nimrat is terrible and she does not deserve it. It is not right to make such allegations against someone without any proof because it can ruined her career in Bollywood. Nimrat Kaur is 42 Year old and she started her career in 2006.
Nirmrat was last seen in the thriller film Sajni Shinde Ka Viral Video and she is currently working for Section 84. On the other hand, Abhishek Bachchan is going to star in the upcoming film ‘I want To Talk‘ which is scheduled for November release.
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