Malayalam film Bougainvillea was released a few days back on the big screens and the film took a decent start at the box office. The reviews of the film were mixed and that’s the reason why the film failed the Monday test badly and collected just 90 Lakhs. The film collection in 5 days was 13 Crores and it looks like the numbers of films will decline further on Day 6.
The film is going to make around 80 Lakhs on day 6 as per the advance booking data and occupancy report and the film is moving towards box office flop. The film is now showing no growth in its main regions and the occupancy is around 13-15 for all the centers and that is the major reason behind the low numbers of the film.
Here is the Total Daywise Collection data for the film till now;
- Day 1 – 3.30 Crores
- Day 2- 2.50 Crores
- Day 3 – 2.90 Crores
- Day 4 – 3.05 Crores
- Day 5 – 90 Lakhs
- Day 6 – 80 Lakhs
Total – 14 Crores
The final collection of the film in 6 days will be around 14 crores. The film needs to clock 10-15 Crores more to get a superhit tag on the box office but looking the momentum of the film, it looks difficult from here. Let’s see how the film performs in coming weekends.
The film is directed by Amal Neerad and it stars Jyothirmayi, Kunchacko Boban and talented Fahadh Faasil in the main lead roes.
Box Office: Martin Day 12 Box Office Collection
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