Ajay Devgan starrer Singham Again is all set to hit the big screens this Diwali and the film has recently got the censor certification. The censor board cut 7:12 minutes of footage from the film and the film got a UA Certificate from the board. There are some significant cuts in the film with the scenes related to Ramayan and here are the details.
As per a report published in Bollywood Hungama, the board has ordered to removal of the scenes of Ravan pushing Mata Sita in the reference scene, This scene is a total of 29 seconds in length and this is one of the biggest cuts for the film. The makers are then asked to remove Ranveer Singh’s flirting and scenes referring to him as Hanuman.
A few dialogues between Zubiar and Simba were also modified during the certification and scenes related to Avani were also changed. The makers were asked to add a disclaimer that the film is a work of fiction and characters in the film don’t depict Lord Rama and Maa Sita.
A dialogue with reference to Srilanka was removed from the main to maintain a good relationship with Srilanka. As sequence where Shiv Storta was playing in the background was removed and the colour of the religious flag from the sequences was also modified. A few more scenes from the scenes were blurred.
Overall, the film has been trimmed to 7:12 minutes shorter and it passed with a UA Certificate. The film is all set to clash with Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 this Diwali.
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