Kriti Sanon and Kajol starrer Do Patti is not streaming on Netflix. The film is a crime thriller film based on the lives of twin sisters Soumya and Sahilee. The story starts in Devipur, where Soumya and Shailee’s mother died in their childhood, and since then they start fighting with each other over silly things. When they grew up, Somuya married a guy named ‘Dhruv’. Shailee also likes Dhruv, and to take revenge on Soumya, she starts interfering in their married life.
In all between these things start turning terrible between Somuya and Dhruv, and Dhruv starts beating Soumya on a regular basis for small, silly things. To find out how this film turns from a family drama into a revenge thriller, you need to watch the full film on Netflix.
Kanika Dhillon has a history of making such films that can’t be imagined in real life. There are always some elements in her films that look mindless, and Do Patti is no different. Haseen Dilbura was a brilliant film until the climax, and the same happens with this film too. The film starts well with a promising plot line, but when it moves further, it turns out to be dull, funny, and dumb. The character of Kajol was like a joker, and in a serious thriller film, this was not needed at all. The useless dialogue of the Kajoj character never makes sense, and it makes the film slow and dull.
The surprising thing about the film is the chemistry between Shaheer and Kriti. I loved the romantic track and the chemistry between Kriti and Shaheer. They both look outstanding together, and Shaheer was so good in it. Except for the song, for the rest of the film, the Soumya character is surprising, and by looking at her actions, it would feel that she is doing it deliberately to look bad and dumb. Kanika and Kriti have jointly produced the film, and this is a terrible star for the home production of Kriti. There are scenes where Shaliee tries to seduce Dhruv, and the scenes look like inspiration from P***n films. From beginning to end, nothing looks satisfying in the film, and the film turns out to be a mindless thriller.
The film is decent in terms of music and BGM. Kriti has done a good job in her character as per the plot demand. Shaheer Sheikh was outstanding. Kajol was terrible, and half of the credit goes to the script of the film too.
The film was not able to specify its motto till the last and turned into an aimless film. I am going with 1.5 out of 5 stars for the film. The film is around 2 hours long, and it isn’t worth your time if you want to watch it from a thriller point of view. Rest. If you are a fan of Kriti and want to watch some bold sequences of her, you may give it a try.
Rating: 1.5 – Skip It
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