Although Priyanka Chopra is not active in Bollywood like before she keeps making indirect appearances in Indian cinema through her production venture and a few days back her long-awaited film ‘Pani’ was released on the big screens. The film was made around 5 Years ago and got many awards but it was released last week at the box office for the general public.
The film was made on a decent budget and was based on the real story. There were hopes that the film would do wonders at the Marathi box office but the film flopped badly at the box office and crashed on Day 1 itself. The film collected shockingly low numbers on Day 1 and managed to collect only 3 Lakhs which is way below then the Marathi cinema standards.
The film received great reviews from critics after release and word of mouth was also good for the film. The film saw a jump on day 2 and Day 3 and collected 6 Lakhs and 9 Lakhs respectively taking the total collection of the film to 12 Lakhs in 1st week. The film then held decent on Monday and collected 3 lakhs and since then the numbers on weekdays have been in the same range.
Box Office: Jigra Day 14 Box Office Collection
The film has collected 28 Lakhs in total in week 1 and if we look at the budget of the film, The verdict of the film is disaster. The final numbers will be the maximum of 40 Lakhs for the film and still its a disaster on the box office. You can check the day-wise Box office data for the film Till now;
- Day 1 – 3 Lakhs
- Day 2 – 6 Lakhs
- Day 3 – 9 Lakhs
- Day 4 – 3 Lakhs
- Day 5 – 2.5 Lakhs
- Day 6 – 2.5 Lakhs
- Day 7 – 2.5 Lakhs
Total in 7 Days: 28-29 Lakhs.
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