As expected south Indian film starring Rajnikant did fair business on Sunday and Monday again saw a huge downfall from the last day. The film is in its last stage and these few days are going to be the final days of the film. The final box office number worldwide is around 250 Crores and the film manages to 145 Crores in India too.
The film may be looking for 150 Crores from here, but it sounds difficult now considering the entry of new releases at the box office. Although there are no biggies at the Tamil and Telugu box office so there are chances that the film may mint some money for the next 1-2 weeks. The Hindi version will be out of the cinema halls in 2 days and the Hindi version of the film turns out to be a big disaster.
The film saw good growth on Saturday and we were hoping that the film would do better on Sunday too but the film saw a downtrend on Sunday again and collected 1.28 Crores as compared to 1.60 on Saturday. The film collected around 48 Lakhs on Monday and Tuesday is going to be in the range of 38-40 Lakhs.
Here goes the Week wise Box office data and Daywise total collection of Vettaiyan Till Now;
Week 1
- Day 1 [1st Thursday]: ₹ 31.7 Cr
- Day 2 [1st Friday]: ₹ 24 Cr
- Day 3 [1st Saturday]: ₹ 26.75 Cr
- Day 4 [1st Sunday]: ₹ 22.3 Cr
- Day 5 [1st Monday]: ₹ 5.6 Cr
- Day 6 [1st Tuesday]: ₹ 4.3 Cr
- Day 7 [1st Wednesday]: ₹ 4.3 Cr
- Day 8 [2nd Thursday]: ₹ 3.2 Cr
Total Week 1 Collection: ₹ 122.15 Cr
Week 2
- Day 9 [2nd Friday]: ₹ 2.6 Cr
- Day 10 [2nd Saturday]: ₹ 4.25 Cr
- Day 11 [2nd Sunday]: ₹ 5.35 Cr
- Day 12 [2nd Monday]: ₹ 1.95 Cr
- Day 13 [2nd Tuesday]: ₹ 1.8 Cr
- Day 14 [2nd Wednesday]: ₹ 1.6 Cr
- Day 15 [2nd Thursday]: ₹ 1.4 Cr
Total Week 2 Collection: ₹ 18.95 Cr
Week 3
- Day 16 [3rd Friday]: ₹ 0.8 Cr
- Day 17 [3rd Saturday]: ₹ 1.3 Cr
- Day 18 [3rd Sunday]: ₹ 1.3 Cr
- Day 19 [3rd Monday]: 50 Lakhs
- Day 20 [3rd Tuesday]: 38 Lakhs
Overall Summary
- Total Collection: ₹ 145.22 Cr
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