Raj Kumar Rao and Tripti Dimiri’s film Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video witnessed a massive jump of 100% on Saturday and the film showed positive growth on Holiday. The film is now looking to do well on Sunday too and as we said earlier this Sunday is going to be the last hope for the film currently running at the box office.
The film collected around 1.20 Crores on Saturday which was almost double of 65 Lakh that which film collected on Friday. The film is looking decent on Sunday also and advance booking and spot booking trends suggest that the film will touch 1.40 Crores today. The night shows are showing excellent occupancy and this is helping the film’s final numbers.
The film has collected a total of 39.20 Crores in 16 Days and today it will cross 40 crores at the Indian box office making it a commercial success for the makers. The film will be released on OTT by December last week and then on TV in Feb 2025. The film is going to be an OTT Success for sure and now let’s see when it releases on Netflix.
The film is doing better than Jigra on weekends too. Here goes the week-wise and Daywise Box office collection of films;
Week 1
- Day 1: ₹ 5.5 Cr
- Day 2: ₹ 6.9 Cr
- Day 3: ₹ 6.4 Cr
- Day 4: ₹ 2.4 Cr
- Day 5: ₹ 2.1 Cr
- Day 6: ₹ 1.9 Cr
- Day 7: ₹ 1.8 Cr
Total Week 1: ₹ 27 Cr
Week 2
- Day 8: ₹ 1.4 Cr
- Day 9: ₹ 2.3 Cr
- Day 10: ₹ 2.6 Cr
- Day 11: ₹ 1.115 Cr
- Day 12: ₹ 1.1 Cr
- Day 13: ₹ 0.9 Cr
- Day 14: ₹ 0.75 Cr
Total Week 2: ₹ 10.35 Cr
Week 3
- Day 15: ₹ 0.65 Cr
- Day 16: ₹ 1.2 Cr
- Day 17: 1.40 Crores
- Total Collection: ₹ 40.20 Cr
- Week 1 Total: ₹ 27 Cr
- Week 2 Total: ₹ 10.35 Cr
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